I'm trying to use form more, and I'm disappointed as my lack of savviness in conquering blogger's tyrannical formatting.
Disney's Insemination of Grimm
Doc says, y-y-y-you mean old s-s-s-son of a bitch,
like achrondroplasia hasn't fucked with his plans
and I'm the only one with a 4'9
problem. I look in the soot-covered mirror in the hallway
and feel God laughing at the dirty dwarf who was made
not in His image, a recreational-sex side-project, a dare
from P.T. Barnum He just couldn't refuse.
He waits
that mirror,
wanting me to ask the question one-time small-town beauty queens and
imported Manhattan models binge and purge for.
He sent her, like an apparition, out of the looking-glass,
her 44" stocking-covered legs, her baggage and the
LPA brochure.
Won't you join? (I am without a home.)
Her smile sweet like the sex I've never had because
I've slept 37 years lying next to a brother, next to a brother, next to a brother, next to a brother, next to
a brother, next to a brother after days standing
shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder-to-shoulder mining
diamonds tall women gleefully accept from
tall men on days they decide
filing joint taxes is just more economical.
Won’t you join? (I need a place.)
Her eyes soft like she’d drag a chair from the
kitchen for me to stand on so I might caress
her gala-apple cheek with my coal-pellet fingers.
Won’t you join? (I will do anything.)
Beauty, probably used to selling by the inch, saving
for college so she can study Chem 101 and make a
dead step-mother look like a dead step-mother.
Doc pushes me aside before I can slam the door in her
grossly unblemished face, before I can point out with my
fists and furrowed brow that, she must be too dumb to see:
my chromosomes already signed that petition in 1971.