Sunday, January 18, 2009

International Exhibit of Rubber and Other Tropical Products

Heart-holes, like James'
can be grown out of,
can be grown into.

He talked of the 1921 World's Fair,
his tongue forgetting the 
picket-fence front-teeth buried
behind the cemetery gate,
beneath the granite headstone,
so that as he "wrrrrr"ed, by the time
he "llllll"ed, it was too late: the unruly
tongue would be punished by the
moonshine in the brown bag he kept poised
just above his bouncing paper-thin brown-trousered knee.

A baby.
His baby.
He, as baby.

My heart-hole expanded and shifted
to make room for James and 1921
the world
the moon
the water
the me

Space for a universe stood
still.  Breath barely moving my
hallowed frame.                          Waiting.                                   My
emptiness starving, its jaw
acrobatically back-bending to encapsulate me with
the world
the moon
the water
midnight foxtrots and toddles 
skating on prohibitive ice sculptures
November - December - January - February - until
we lost our teeth

Don't go without ( )

The coffin disintegrated around me, me reborn with
golden locket stitched to sternum: inside
a heart thumping: then, closed and clasped, kept safe, soon over-grown with
woman's breasts, mother's breasts
breasts milking bathtub moonshine to 
infant conductor of the racing, 
desperate jazz band.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Anthology of Elegies

Should have put this up a bit ago...our last assignment was to write in another student's voice. We drew names. I should hassle the gal who got mine and get that up here. It was interesting hearing other people talk about a style they found in my writing.

I took about half a dozen pages of notes trying to figure this gal's form out; she's super talented and didn't read that much in class, hard combo. The predominant theme I found was vocab, she uses this great vocabulary, but I'm not sure how much she says. This is based mostly on the century she read in class and I remember getting totally lost and had no idea what the point was, but I felt in a very beautiful place all the same.

I still feel like a jackass that 'big words' was my guiding tool to writing Vania.
Closeted, the anthology of elegies I've sewn on your many sleeves while standing tip-toed to transcribe the rhythms of your chest. These oxygenated eyes see aching groans of inhales and anhedonic cries of exhales beneath woven fortresses, beyond epithelial stone walls, through marrowed prison bars. We pass cacophonic codes through needles, via emergent transfusions, clandestinely; tattletaling guards stand at every gate. The tactility of my tasteful tongue speaks Braille better than I. The shifting tectonic plates, active fault-lines of your otological structures hear signs better than you. What lengths, what languages, simply to ask how your head rested last night.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ed and I Chew Differently

always biting off more than i can chew becomes
hazardous when locked jaw has no key and
i must learn how long egg and hooks take
to disintegrate in cavern of spit and milk and 'spro.

knowledge never wasted.

happy holidays from brownie-blinged grill.
happy birthday from champagne-shined enamel.
aloysius lilius' calendar replaced by
columns and rows of bottles and brews and
bins of dirty dishes. they say 'monday'
some say 'makersday.'

(what is the need of shooting-starry colorado nights, with sheetcake and coffee to rest beneath?)

soft diet keeps jaw loose, keeps
secrets public record, keeps teeth receptive to etiquette tips:
* smaller bites, more food
* swallow, then speak
* back of hand to cover front of mouth when
laugh/sneeze/yawn cannot be temporally displaced
*molars for leafy mastication, not revenge
*tongue to distinguish savory/salty/sweet/sour,
not to lash/discipline/howl/hang

must be his ancient ancestral blood, grace in marrow that
does not fortify my bones,
bones of aryan hand stretching
skin's napkin, porous enough to wipe
renegade sauce from gaping corners of
renegade aryan mouth,
mouth full of half-chewn wisdom and rice.